Money Brokers
The Firm
Seppey Finance, international money broker, was created in Lausanne on the 2nd December 1991. Its Director, Charly Seppey, after having worked for international money brokers in Zurich and London for over 20 years, returned to the French part of Switzerland and opened his office in the centre of Lausanne, in the Bel-Air tower. This tower holds several other companies.
Thanks to its position in the capital market, the firm had a well determined aim, right from the beginning, to contribute to the financing of the local authorities with a public mission. To achieve this aim the firm had to appeal to the new structures of the information technologies which have been developing over the passed few years and today it is ready to offer a service of high standard to its customers in Switzerland and abroad.
The Activity
Seppey Finance is an international art, real estate and money broker firm operating in the capital market for short, medium and long term periods in Switzerland and abroad. It’s main activity is in the bond market which is not quoted in the stock exchange. Thanks to numerous contacts with insurance companies, pension funds of large industrial and commercial companies, plus several Swiss and international banks, it can grant firm loans to all kinds of local authorities, to semi-public companies and to Cantons, Cities and Municipalities. The loans are bound by contracts which are usually requested by the lenders.
The Market
Stock exchange news





Bank of America

Stock exchange

Swiss Exchange



Deutsche Börse
Central Banks

Swiss National Bank

European Central Bank

Federal Reserve

Bank of England
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